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My Six-Month Post Hysterectomy Update - Still No Sign of My Anemia

Six months ago I had my hysterectomy (kept my ovaries) to combat my severe iron deficiency anemia.  My infusions were so frequent and left me incredibly fatigued and ill.  My life felt like it was on hold for years.  So was my surgery worth it?



A thousand times YES!

I'll be honest, that surgery was a lot more difficult than I thought.  I really did expect it to be more like my C-Sections...t'was nothing like my C-Sections.   After my second C-section I was driving within a couple weeks and, while exhausted, I got back into life.  Plus, you have the bonus of being totally in love with your newest little one after a C-Section.  After a hysterectomy no such bonus.

With my hysterectomy, I didn't feel like myself again for four months.  I kept getting bladder and kidney infections.  I had so much achiness. There were other issues that might be worth a blog post.  While I would never want to worry somebody, I do think the full picture is needed when deciding yay or nay on the surgery. But, when I consider that I haven't had an infusion since a month before my surgery, I still say it is worth it.

My bloodwork in April looked great.  My ferritin has dropped a bit according to my results at the beginning of July.  Of course, that left me a bit nervous but my hematologist assured me that could be perfectly normal.  My ferritin was still in the normal range.  I'll be getting more bloodwork in September to see if it still dropping or has stabilized. 

If I were just taking iron tablets for anemia, no, I wouldn't do the surgery.  But, if you are on the same roller coaster with infusions and it is believed your cycle is the problem, I think a hysterectomy is worth looking into. 

And, of course, the bonus?  No more flooding periods!  No periods at all!  How awesome is that!

Yes, for me, a hysterectomy was worth it!


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