I can't believe it has been eight months since my hysterectomy. While the first four months were a mite difficult for me, I am still so thankful I had it done. Got my third set of labs back to today. We've been monitoring my ferritin. My hemoglobin has been great (in the 14 range...wow!) but ferritin had been dropping and was on the low side of normal earlier this summer. That made me nervous. Good news though, got my labs back and my ferritin rose by eight points! I've never seen my ferritin rise without an infusion. Wow! Last year by September, I had had numerous infusions. I have not had any since last December! Wow! I was so skeptical a hysterectomy would work. I put it off and put it off. Wish I'd done this much sooner. There are some downsides to a hysterectomy at least to my hysterectomy and I'll blog about those soon. But, even with the downsides, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thrilled!
Six months ago I had my hysterectomy (kept my ovaries) to combat my severe iron deficiency anemia. My infusions were so frequent and left me incredibly fatigued and ill. My life felt like it was on hold for years. So was my surgery worth it? Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES! I'll be honest, that surgery was a lot more difficult than I thought. I really did expect it to be more like my C-Sections...t'was nothing like my C-Sections. After my second C-section I was driving within a couple weeks and, while exhausted, I got back into life. Plus, you have the bonus of being totally in love with your newest little one after a C-Section. After a hysterectomy no such bonus. With my hysterectomy, I didn't feel like myself again for four months. I kept getting bladder and kidney infections. I had so much achiness. There were other issues that might be worth a blog post. While I would never want to worry somebody, I do t...