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Showing posts from June, 2015

Infused (again)

I posted last week about feeling so fatigued and it was time to get my blood levels checked.  Yep, I was right, no ferritin left in my body and my hemoglobin was dropping as a result.  And, so, I got right in there for an infusion.  Still using the Ferrlecit and still only doing one infusion rather than two.  I think for me mentally, doing one infusion is so much easier.  With the Venofer, I was doing five infusions every four months or so and, so one infusion every three months seems really nice. The infusion itself went smoothly.  I still get Benadryl because I have reacted before and so I just rested and snoozed the entire time.  I think the Ferrlecit infusion ends up taking about an hour and a half.  They do the Benadryl and then the Ferrlecit and then I have to wait a half hour while they monitor me.  That night, I was exhausted which I usually chalk up to the Benadryl.  I slept for hours that day.  The next day, I just...